In this by-law, unless otherwise specified:
– “CBS” shall hereafter refer to “Canadian Biomaterials Society”.
– “The Chapter” shall hereafter refer to “The Canadian Biomaterials Society – Kingston Student Chapter”.
– Context and gender: In this By-Law, expressions in the masculine or feminine, in plural or in singular, may be interchanged if they do not alter the true meaning of the text.

The name of the organization shall be “Canadian Biomaterials Society – Kingston Student Chapter”, abbreviated to CBS-KSC. CBS-KSC is affiliated with the Canadian Biomaterials Society.

The mission of the organization is to support and enhance student research and interest in biomaterials and related fields, and assist with meeting the objectives of the Canadian Biomaterials Society, as they relate to student research and education. This organization is not-for-profit and all activities are on a voluntary basis. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing mission statement, the objectives of the organization shall be:

2.1 Communication
2.1.1 Maintaining and encouraging multidisciplinary communication in biomaterial and related fields in Kingston area.
2.1.2 Developing a network platform in biomaterial and related fields between students from separate departments (e.g. Chemical Engineering, Electrical and Computer engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, and Chemistry).
2.1.3 Collaboration on events with nearby CBS student chapters (i.e. Ottawa Student Chapter).
2.1.4 Raise awareness of biomaterials and related fields to undergraduate students.

2.2 Professionalization
2.2.1 Organizing conferences
– On academic research presented by professors and postdoctoral fellows in biomaterial and related fields.
– On clinical cases presented by practitioners related to medical device implantations.
– On activities of companies working in the biomaterials field.
– Workshops to extend skills and knowledge of members (scientific techniques and methods, publishing, ethics, …).
2.2.2 Networking
– Meet-and-greet with visiting professors.
– Facilitate industry/ academic relationships.
– Encourage collaboration with doctors and surgeons at Kingston General Hospital and Kingston Hotel Dieu.
– Organizing a multidisciplinary journal club
2.2.3 Organizing and promoting social events and activities
– Beginning of school year barbecue
– Science trivia night
– Visiting events at other nearby CBS chapters

2.3 Support
2.3.1 Connecting with other student chapters of CBS in Canada.
2.3.2 Assisting CBS in organizing and promoting CBS conferences and events.
In a nutshell, stimulating new ideas that would benefit the biomaterials field.


3.1 Members
Members shall include the following:
3.1.1 Active Members
– Any postdoctoral fellow, graduate or undergraduate student from Kingston area who has interest in biomaterials research or currently conducts biomaterials research or related field is eligible to be a Member of CBS-KSC.
– They can vote and hold office upon approval by 2/3 (two-thirds) vote from the Executive Officers.
– All the Active Members must be registered Members and pay their Membership to the Canadian Biomaterials Society, as CBS-KSC is a subgroup of this corporation.
3.1.2 Associate Members
– Associate Members of the CBS-KSC are defined as graduate or undergraduate students who have interest in biomaterials research or are currently conducting biomaterials-related research, and are Members of the CBS-KSC not holding a position on the Executive Committee.
– The Associate Members of the CBS-KSC must be Members of the CBS.
– The maximum number of Associate Members of the CBS-KSC shall remain at five.
3.1.3 Honorary Members
– People that contribute to the development and the good-standing of the CBS-KSC may be Honorary Members.
– Honorary Members may be awarded an Honorary Member diploma for their outstanding contribution to the society or CBS-KSC.
– Honorary members are titled by an unanimous consent of the executive committee, however, they may not vote or hold office.

3.2 Member involvement and functions
3.2.1 Executive Officers
– Executive Officers are active Members who hold a position on the Executive Committee. – Executive Members must be postdoctoral or student Members of CBS.
– The Members of the CBS-KSC Executive Committee shall work in Kingston area.
3.2.2 Mentor/Faculty advisor
– The mentor is a professor and an active CBS member that advises on important decisions of the student chapter.
3.2.3 Active, Honorary and Associate Members
– Membership in the corporation shall be limited to students and postdoctoral fellows interested in furthering the objectives of the organization.
– Active members are encouraged to designate or support the nomination of Executive Officers.
– Members are encouraged to suggest and support Honorary Member candidates.
– Anyone who wants to join the CBS-KSC as an associate member should write to one of the Executive Members to express their interest.

3.3 Resignation and Expulsion
– Any Member may withdraw from the corporation by delivering to the CBS-KSC a written resignation or by sending an email to the secretary of the CBS-KSC.
– A “Member in good standing” includes any person who has fulfilled the requirements for CBS membership, complies with the post-secondary institution’s Ethics and Academic integrity standards, is not currently subject to any disciplinary actions or penalties, and has neither voluntarily withdrawn nor been expelled from the CBS. Those who do not comply with the given requirements become “Members in bad standing.”
– To expel a Member in bad standing from the student group, the matter has to be addressed at the general meeting by a Member of the Executive Committee and removal will be performed after a vote of the Executive Committee Members with 2/3 majority achieved.


4.1 Composition
The Executive Committee shall consist of: a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Event Manager, and a Communications Manager. They shall be active Members of the chapter.

4.2 Tenure
Executive Committee Members shall be elected for one term (time between two annual general meeting).

4.3 Eligibility
Each Executive Officer shall be elected by a majority vote. The election procedure must be organized by the Executive Committee. Active Members may be nominated during the general meeting to hold office of the Executive Committee. In addition to fulfilling requirements of general membership, Executive Committee candidates must be Members of CBS. Executives can re-apply 2 times for a position.

4.4 Vacancy
If any vacancy shall occur for any reason, the Executive Committee by majority vote may fill the vacancy with an Active Member by appointment. The individual appointed to the vacant board seat will only do so until the next general meeting, at which time the position will be open for election by all the corporation Members.

4.5 Expulsion
Any Executive Officer may be required to resign by a vote of three-quarters (3/4) of the Members at an annual meeting provided that any such Members shall be granted an opportunity to be heard at such meeting.

Executive officers, their duties, and their powers inside the Society shall be as follows:

5.1 President
The President shall:
5.1.1 Be the chief Executive Officer of the chapter.
5.1.2 Chair and set the agenda for executive meetings and preside at all meetings of the chapter.
5.1.3 Have the general and active management of the affairs of the chapter.
5.1.4 Be the public face of the chapter and speak on behalf of the chapter.
5.1.5 Supervise other Members of the Executive and ensure that they are performing their duties in a satisfactory manner.
5.1.6 See that all orders and resolutions of the CBS board of directors are carried into effect.
5.1.7 Correspond with the CBS board of directors and report the Chapter’s activities to them.
5.1.8 Participate in active communication and collaboration with other CBS student chapters.

5.2 Vice-president
The Vice-president shall:
5.2.1 Oversee the administrative operations of the chapter.
5.2.2 Keep safe all documents, including books and accounts.
5.2.3 Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.
5.2.4 Facilitate communication between Active Members and Executive Members and Mentors.
5.2.5 Organize election of new executives.
5.2.6 Write the annual report that will be submitted to the CBS board of directors.
5.2.7 Build and maintain networks and relationships that will serve the goals and objectives of the chapter.
5.2.8 Design and update the website of the CBS-KSC.
5.2.9 Promote and maintain means of communication to other Members of the chapter and CBS through social media.

5.3 Secretary
The Secretary shall:
5.3.1 Update the list of Active Members and Executive Officers.
5.3.2 Send agenda and call for meetings.
5.3.3 Serve as the first point of contact on recruitment matters and Member affairs.
5.3.4 Attend all meetings and act as clerk thereof, and record all votes and minutes of all proceedings in the books to be kept for that purpose (the minutes should be sent out to all Members present at the meeting).
5.3.5 Communicate information regarding the above-mentioned conferences to Members.
5.3.6 Promote participation of Members of the chapter in the upcoming Biomaterials Conferences.
5.3.7 Maintain communication between CBS-KSC community members and event speakers and other organizations.
5.3.8 Communicate with the Event Manager in order to update announcements of the different upcoming conferences, workshops and other activities of the CBS-KSC.

5.4 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
5.4.1 Have the custody of the funds and securities of the chapter.
5.4.2 Keep full and accurate accounts of all assets, liabilities, receipts and disbursements of the chapter in the books belonging to the chapter.
5.4.3 Deposit all monies, securities and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the chapter in such chartered bank or trust company.
5.4.4 Disburse the funds of the chapter as may be directed by the Executive Committee and/or the President, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements.
5.4.5 Regularly report the financial activities, budget update to the Executive Officers meetings.
5.4.6 Work with the Event Manager to fundraise money for the chapter.
5.4.7 Provide estimates on costs and budgeting for upcoming events.
5.4.8 Write the annual financial report to be submitted to CBS.

5.5 Event Manager
The Event Manager shall:
5.5.1 Plan conferences, workshops and other special activities.
5.5.2 See that this planning is carried into effect.
5.5.3 Supervise the events logistics.
5.5.4 Help the Secretary communicate information regarding the conferences and workshops to Members, and promote the participation of the Members.
5.5.5 Initiate fundraising activities.

5.6 Other Executive Members
5.6.1 Mentor Member
The Mentor Member shall:
– Be a Member of CBS.
– Provide advice and support to CBS-KSC.
– Promote CBS and CBS-KSC.
– Be changed every two years. Mentorship can be extended at the discretion of the Executive committee.
– The Mentor Cannot hold office and vote.
5.6.2 CBS board of directors
– The CBS Board of Directors guides CBS-KSC activities and provides financial support.
– As the conduit between the Board and CBS-KSC, it is the president’s responsibility to communicate the Board’s comments to the Executive Committee and report on CBS-KSC activities to the Board.
– The Executive Committee provides an annual report in May, following the Annual General Meeting.


6.1 Grants
CBS-KSC shall receive financial support from the CBS to assist in carrying out its activities. The funds may consist of:
– A lump sum start-up payment, negotiated upon start-up.
– An annual disbursement coming from membership dues. One third of membership dues coming from members of a Local Chapter shall be returned to the Chapter for their activities.
– Additionally, the CBS-KSC is free to apply for eligible grants.

6.2 Reports
The renewal of financial support in a new calendar year will proceed in the following manner. A written report of progress, including a proof of worthwhile activity and financial report, shall be sent to the Executive Committee of the CBS, no later than March 30th of the renewal year. Failure to do this shall result in the loss of full or partial funding to the CBS-KSC for that year. The CBS executive shall make a decision to provide financial support for the following year depending on the assessment of the report. A decision shall be granted no later than the date of the annual CBS meeting. This procedure shall be conducted by comparing the activities of each of the CBS-KSC.
If the CBS-KSC fails to submit financial and progress reports for two sequential years, it will then be designated as a Probationary Chapter. Failure to submit such a report a third year will result in the closure of the CBS-KSC and audit of the Officers and CBS-KSC activities.

6.3 Bank Account
The Executive Committee shall maintain a savings/cheque account at a credited financial institution in the name of the chapter.

6.4 Signatures
The president and the treasurer are the two (2) signing authorities on the account.

6.5 Bank Account Signing Authority Transfer
The Executive Committee of the chapter may decide to transfer the signing authority because one of the Signing Officers cannot assume this office anymore. The signing authority will then be transferred from outgoing signing authorities to the incoming signing authorities. Authority will be transferred with the following conditions satisfied:
6.5.1 Written approval of the signing authority transfer from the outgoing Officers to the incoming Officers.
6.5.2 Signatures of all outgoing signing authorities, approving of the transfer.
6.5.3 Notification of bank personnel of the transfer and the appropriate paperwork completed and submitted.

6.6 Audit
The financial records of the chapter shall be audited by the incoming Treasurer and the incoming President immediately at the beginning of the new term each year.


7.1 Election rules
The President is responsible for calling the elections and the vice president is responsible for organizing the election. Candidates shall declare their candidacy, or be designated and be supported by at least 1 other active member. Interested candidates shall submit their formal declaration of candidacy to the President 7 days before the election first day.

All Active and Associate Members who chose to participate will select the Executive Committee via secret on-line vote. Elections will take place during 7 days and the results will be announced on the 8th day.

An annual meeting will be scheduled on the month of September to organize the election process. The term of office begins on the next January.

The Faculty Adviser shall be elected by the Executive Committee at the beginning of each term and can be renew for 2 terms.

7.2 Impeachment/Removal and Replacement of Officers and Members:
Executive Members who do not perform up to reasonable expectations may be removed from their position on the Executive Committee. Reasons for dismissal may include lack of communication for an extended period of time, not executing tasks appropriately, negligence, or general misconduct. The Executive will first be given a verbal warning. If undesirable conduct continues, a written warning will be issued. If behavior continues to persist after a written warning, the Executive Committee will be asked to pass a motion to remove the Executive in question from his or her position. A 2/3 (two-thirds) agreement from the remaining Executive Committee is required to remove an Executive from office.


8.1 Conditions of dissolution
The Executive of the chapter may be dissolved by an extraordinary resolution made by any Executive Officer and seconded by any other Executive Officer, and passed at two (2) consecutive executive meetings.

8.2 Upon dissolution
The assets, bank accounts and records of the chapter shall be placed under the Trusteeship of the Mentor Member or, in the absence of the Mentor Member, under the Trusteeship of a Member of the Canadian Biomaterials Society who holds a professor position at an aforementioned post-secondary institution. Upon dissolution, Executive Officers shall be deprived from their privileges and responsibilities.

8.3 Conditions of closure
If the chapter wishes to cease its activity, it must submit in writing to the CBS board of directors, at least 60 days prior to termination, a letter of such intent, accompanied with a financial report and reasons outlining the need for termination of the chapter.

8.4 Upon closure
All un-spent funds from the chapter shall be returned to the CBS. If the financial report is not deemed to be adequate, the CBS will initiate an audit of the Officers and the CBS-KSC. A decision regarding the acknowledgement of closure of the CBS-KSC shall be sent to the President of the Chapter from the President of the CBS within 60 days of receipt of such a request.


9.1 Executive Committee
– Regular Executive Committee meetings will be held at least every two months, and will follow the agenda created by the President and sent out by the Secretary.
– To make decisions, a quorum of at least 2/3 (two-thirds) of the Executive Committee must vote in agreement.
– If motion is not passed or an insufficient number of Executive Members are present, the matter may be debated and voted on at the following executive meetings.
– Meetings are prepared by the president and reported by the secretary.

9.2 Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting is held before the CBS general meeting to coincide with the end of term for the past elected Executive Committee. All Members are notified in writing two weeks prior to the date, and are invited to attend. The meeting will give all Members an opportunity to elect the new executive committee, summarize the group’s activities over the past year, the financial statements, and propose new activities that they would like to see in the upcoming year.

9.3 Special Meetings
Special meetings may be scheduled if the organization of special events requires the meeting of the Executive Committee.

Amendments to the Constitution such as a new position in the executive committee may be proposed by Members of the Executive Committee, and must be supported by 2/3 (two-thirds) of the Executive Committee. Only Executive Members may propose amendments but Members may submit proposed changes to an Executive for consideration. Members must be notified about the changes and the ballot two weeks prior to the vote.